Tips for making the best sparkling ice teaUpdated a year ago
Here are a few easy tips to make the best sparkling iced tea:
1) Add a tea bag or loose tea in a tea ball to the bottle before adding water and sparkling.
- Don't add loose tea directly into the bottle. It could get caught in the bottle valves. It won't damage anything but if those valves can't seal your carbonation will quickly go away (via an open top bottle cap valve) or the bottle may leak (via an open bottom bottle cap valve).
2) Add some ice to the bottle. This will make your drink cold to enjoy right away, plus cold liquids will absorb more CO2 (more bubbly) and retain its carbonation longer. Importantly with sparkling teas, the tea has many small surfaces to create bubbles and very cold liquid will avoid the bottle foaming when you open it.
3) Get creative! Try combining tea, fruit, herbs and even a touch of honey in the bottle before sparkling. If you use more ingredients, be sure to use refrigerator chilled water or add ice to the bottle before carbonating.
For more tips and sparkling beverage ideas, see our latest Spärkel drink recipes.