How do I change or cancel my Carbonator Subscription?Updated a year ago
The Carbonator Subscription program automatically delivers Spärkel Carbonators to you on the timeline you choose. The program includes free delivery and a discount according to your timeline.
You can change or cancel your Carbonator Subscription anytime here.
If you make a change 48 hours prior to your next shipment date, that change will be made for that shipment - either cancelling it or changing the delivery date.
If you make a change within 48 hours of your next shipment date, the shipment data is in the delivery system and that shipment will occur as scheduled. The next shipment will reflect your cancellation or change.
If you do not want the carbonators that are shipped to you, you may return unopened boxes of carbonators within 30 days for a refund. Opened boxes of carbonators may not be returned at any time.